- The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation Featuring the Work of Out-of-Body Travel Author, Marilynn Hughes
- Traveling at the Speed of Light, Sound and Thought through Out-of-Body Travel
- Reducing Spiritual Hunger Worldwide
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marilynn hughes, out-of-body travel author
Author of 109 Books, 9 Documentary Films, 7 Seminars, 40 Magazines, 18 CD's, 59 Paintings, Dozens of Appearances
Out-of-Body Travel, Out-of-Body Experiences, Out-of-Body, Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Near Death Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Mysticism
Marilynn Hughes founded The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation in 2003 (Mission: Reduce Spiritual Hunger Worldwide). Marilynn has experienced, researched, written, and taught about Out of Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987 and has spoken on dozens of radio and television programs to discuss her thousands of out of body experiences.
She has studied the Ancient Sacred Texts of all Major and Minor World Religions, as well as Catholic Mystical, Ascetical, Biblical, Doctrinal, Dogmatic, Systematic, Liturgical, Catechetical and Moral Theology. She has also studied Individual Schools of Theology, to include Franciscan, Carmelite, Ignatian, Dominican, and Benedictine. Marilynn has also trained as a Remote Viewer in Transdimensional, Controlled and Associative Remote Viewing and is a Hypnotherapist. She received certifications in various psychological and therapeutic modalities including NLP, REBT, CBT, ACT, DBT, MBCT, EFT, TFT, SFBT and NBA Therapies.
Marilynn Hughes has authored 109 books, 40 magazines and 18 CD's on Out of Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism including her seminal classic The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism, which was in development to become a feature film/tv series. She was featured in the documentary film, The Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary, and in Documentary Film Productions: The Grand Phases of the Soul, The Stairway from Earth to Heaven, How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience, The Tao of Mysticism, The Initiations into the Mysteries, The Rites of Passage, The Prayer of the Twelfth Hour and At the Feet of the Masters.
She is the author of an English Language Encyclopedia of Ancient Sacred Texts, The Voice of the Prophets: Wisdom of the Ages (In Twelve Volumes). Her out of body travel work has been featured in The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, by Constance Victoria Briggs and in Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness, (along with Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Ingo Swann) by Dr. Thomas Streicher. KC Armstrong, (Former Producer of the Howard Stern Show), in his book named Marilynn as one of thirteen Simply Amazing Women.
Marilynn Hughes has been the subject of several Research Studies including The Out-of-Body Experiment by Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko. Marilynn Hughes and Dr. Rudy Schild (Professor Emeritus Astrophysics Harvard) co-authored a chapter entitled The Science for Moral Law. She has been featured to speak about Out-of-Body Travel on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, the Joan Rivers Show among others. Marilynn Hughes was on the the original board of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences and is a continuing contributor.
She came across her vocation unexpectedly. When she was nine years old, she had her first profound out of body experience wherein she saw the heavens open and a beautiful marble staircase surrounded by angels which led to the throne of God. In this experience, she was told many things, among them that He would return to her later in her life and give her a mission to fulfill in relation to out of body travel. When she was 22 years old, she had her first out-of-body experience in adulthood which began a process of journaling which would unleash thousands of out of body travel and mystical experiences over the next decades.
Marilynn Hughes has authored 109 books, 40 magazines and 18 CD's on Out of Body Travel and Comparative Religious Mysticism including her seminal classic The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism, which was in development to become a feature film/tv series. She was featured in the documentary film, The Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary, and in Documentary Film Productions: The Grand Phases of the Soul, The Stairway from Earth to Heaven, How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience, The Tao of Mysticism, The Initiations into the Mysteries, The Rites of Passage, The Prayer of the Twelfth Hour and At the Feet of the Masters.
She is the author of an English Language Encyclopedia of Ancient Sacred Texts, The Voice of the Prophets: Wisdom of the Ages (In Twelve Volumes). Her out of body travel work has been featured in The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, by Constance Victoria Briggs and in Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness, (along with Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Ingo Swann) by Dr. Thomas Streicher. KC Armstrong, (Former Producer of the Howard Stern Show), in his book named Marilynn as one of thirteen Simply Amazing Women.
Marilynn Hughes has been the subject of several Research Studies including The Out-of-Body Experiment by Alex Tsakiris of Skeptiko. Marilynn Hughes and Dr. Rudy Schild (Professor Emeritus Astrophysics Harvard) co-authored a chapter entitled The Science for Moral Law. She has been featured to speak about Out-of-Body Travel on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, the Joan Rivers Show among others. Marilynn Hughes was on the the original board of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences and is a continuing contributor.
She came across her vocation unexpectedly. When she was nine years old, she had her first profound out of body experience wherein she saw the heavens open and a beautiful marble staircase surrounded by angels which led to the throne of God. In this experience, she was told many things, among them that He would return to her later in her life and give her a mission to fulfill in relation to out of body travel. When she was 22 years old, she had her first out-of-body experience in adulthood which began a process of journaling which would unleash thousands of out of body travel and mystical experiences over the next decades.
The Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary
Out-of-Body Travel, Out-of-Body Experiences, Out-of-Body, Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Near Death Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Mysticism
Featuring 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation's, Marilynn Hughes

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The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation mission Statement
Out-of-Body Travel, Out-of-Body Experiences, Out-of-Body, Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Near Death Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Mysticism
The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation was founded in 2003 with the express mission of Reducing Spiritual Hunger Worldwide. Our mission came from the words of Mother Teresa, "The greatest disease in the West today is not Tuberculosis or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God."
As result of these words, the vision for 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' was born.
As result of these words, the vision for 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' was born.
Critical Out-of-Body Travel Reviews
The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation
Out-of-Body Travel, Out-of-Body Experiences, Out-of-Body, Astral Travel, Astral Projection, Near Death Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Mysticism
Joseph McMoneagle, Author 'Stargate: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy,' World-Renowned Remote Viewer - "Marilynn's energy and enthusiasm for Out of Body Travel and the spiritual subjects she writes about is only surpassed by the amount of hard work that goes into her writings. She has established herself as an authority within the unique and experiential field of Out of Body Travel and Near Death Experience. Anything she presents is well worth the time and attention one might spend on it." Dr. Rudy Schild, Professor Emeritus Career Astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics and the Editor of Cosmology Magazine - "I strongly endorse your writing material that brings new understanding of the workings of the Universe, and a focused scientist like myself has a hard time bringing such clarification to the experience of any. We need enlightened persons like yourself to lead this charge. I like working with spiritual individuals to try to bring grounded meaning to their work, as here. Bless you for your work to spread peace and love through understanding."
Terry Burka, Reader, Los Angeles, CA, USA - "You are an inspiration and a great leader. A leader goes where none have gone, need no ones permission, seeks accomplishment against all odds, has vision, accepts naysaying, but whose compass is true, others follow drawing strength from leadership. You are a true leader . . . "
Mari Tang, San Francisco, CA USA - "Your books and your purpose are different from those who only talk about methods and out of body experiences. Your books take the readers on a further spiritual journey back to God which is the only the true path of Out-of-Body Travel. So . . . I have seen and read many of those books and articles which talk about how to achieve astral projection and out of body travel introducing many different methods based on their own experiences . . . but NEVER as deep as Marilynn's books. Once it's achieved, then what? In my opinion, this is what Marilynn's books makes it unique and special. Because these books ARE the map of our spiritual journey (Those who have read it, know what I am talking about). Marilynn Hughes's books on out of body travel take us and explain well what awaits us after simply achieving the out of body travel state. Achieving an out of body experience is merely the beginning of our spiritual journey. This is why I struggle and think if there is any better way to let the people know this special thing you have available for all of them, we need to let them know." Lian Lunson, Director, Los angeles, CA, USA - "You are a modern day mystic, and it is very rare. More people need to be able to see you. Best books, best videos, spiritually rich and immense in every way. Marilynn Hughes is a true modern day Mystic. Only one I have ever encountered in this life."
Heather Wade, Host of 'The Kingdom of Nye' and Art Bell's Protege - "You're a shining example and inspiration to us all. Some of the things you taught me has gifted me a new level of mental strength."
Astor Libera, Europe - Your work will be remembered for hundreds of years at least." Sylvia, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - "They say that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Anybody searching for a spiritual teacher need look no further. After reading these books you will feel as though you've taken a course with your own spiritual master."
Lillian Vidal, CT, USA - "Be joyful and happy because you have accomplished a lot in your life. Many souls are on a better path because of your work. I started my search on a spiritual path many, many years ago after I listened to your interview on out of body travel on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. I have read many out of body travel books since then, but yours were the first. Thank you! I'm in a better place because of your work. Feel yourself blessed because you are."
Rachel Pebbles, Anchorage, AK, USA - "Thank you, Marilynn Hughes for all you have done to help me. My first out of body experience came after reading one of your books, and I met some of my angels. It's great to know you have also been to the New Jerusalem, walked with Christ Jesus, the Blessed Mother, met with great Saints, Prophets, Mystics, and Sages of all times in your journeys and brought back your teachings and theirs to help us. Thank you for your loving guidance. God bless you." John Lyssikatos, IT Specialist, New Jersey, USA - "I can't explain it, but there's something inside me that from the first moment I saw and heard your opening thoughts in 'The Road to Armageddon', that said, "Listen to Her John, she's telling the Truth."
Chandra Bhandari, Former Ambassador from India - "I am in awe after reading your expansion of Dr. Rudy Schild's response to your query on Moral values. Your depth into the Spriritual World is truly laudatory and obviously guided by the Divine."
Bill Tuck, Phelan, CA, USA - "Marilynn like all Mystics can't be understood just experienced. She is such an exciting person as you read her books she meets you in spirit in the night and teaches you. Most people don't remember. I'm very blessed because I do remember!! I think your books will be read ten thousand years from now! They are very deep and a person has to feel the Holy Spirit, your spirit or some of the people you put quotes from. Way overboard mystical. I could spend a day thinking about a page from 'The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism.' But maybe a month or a year later, Boom! I'm having that experience. Amazing!! I will read then have experiences in my dream time. Your books are precious to me. The faith must be a well trained faith. As Jesus said it`s a narrow gate and many will miss it. You have to personally be taught by God, Jesus Christ My Lord and Saviour. Nothing beats being wide awake . . . All this has come about by reading your out of body travel books and being guided in the out of body travel state by you and others. You are gifted, just amazing! Off to the higher worlds." Antonio Herbert, Professional Flautist, Lubbock, TX, USA- "You're so nurturing. I can feel your energy and love every time I log onto the Out-of-Body Travel Forum . I'm convinced that we are all on a similar Tier with our spirituality, each having our own special or unique gifts, but each having really odd hang ups which seem to come with the territory of being students of the clouds . . . "
Morgan Marie, Austin, TX, USA - "Thank you for transforming my life. Your magical, Marilynn."
Terry Burka, Reader, Los Angeles, CA, USA - "You are an inspiration and a great leader. A leader goes where none have gone, need no ones permission, seeks accomplishment against all odds, has vision, accepts naysaying, but whose compass is true, others follow drawing strength from leadership. You are a true leader . . . "
Mari Tang, San Francisco, CA USA - "Your books and your purpose are different from those who only talk about methods and out of body experiences. Your books take the readers on a further spiritual journey back to God which is the only the true path of Out-of-Body Travel. So . . . I have seen and read many of those books and articles which talk about how to achieve astral projection and out of body travel introducing many different methods based on their own experiences . . . but NEVER as deep as Marilynn's books. Once it's achieved, then what? In my opinion, this is what Marilynn's books makes it unique and special. Because these books ARE the map of our spiritual journey (Those who have read it, know what I am talking about). Marilynn Hughes's books on out of body travel take us and explain well what awaits us after simply achieving the out of body travel state. Achieving an out of body experience is merely the beginning of our spiritual journey. This is why I struggle and think if there is any better way to let the people know this special thing you have available for all of them, we need to let them know." Lian Lunson, Director, Los angeles, CA, USA - "You are a modern day mystic, and it is very rare. More people need to be able to see you. Best books, best videos, spiritually rich and immense in every way. Marilynn Hughes is a true modern day Mystic. Only one I have ever encountered in this life."
Heather Wade, Host of 'The Kingdom of Nye' and Art Bell's Protege - "You're a shining example and inspiration to us all. Some of the things you taught me has gifted me a new level of mental strength."
Astor Libera, Europe - Your work will be remembered for hundreds of years at least." Sylvia, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - "They say that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Anybody searching for a spiritual teacher need look no further. After reading these books you will feel as though you've taken a course with your own spiritual master."
Lillian Vidal, CT, USA - "Be joyful and happy because you have accomplished a lot in your life. Many souls are on a better path because of your work. I started my search on a spiritual path many, many years ago after I listened to your interview on out of body travel on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. I have read many out of body travel books since then, but yours were the first. Thank you! I'm in a better place because of your work. Feel yourself blessed because you are."
Rachel Pebbles, Anchorage, AK, USA - "Thank you, Marilynn Hughes for all you have done to help me. My first out of body experience came after reading one of your books, and I met some of my angels. It's great to know you have also been to the New Jerusalem, walked with Christ Jesus, the Blessed Mother, met with great Saints, Prophets, Mystics, and Sages of all times in your journeys and brought back your teachings and theirs to help us. Thank you for your loving guidance. God bless you." John Lyssikatos, IT Specialist, New Jersey, USA - "I can't explain it, but there's something inside me that from the first moment I saw and heard your opening thoughts in 'The Road to Armageddon', that said, "Listen to Her John, she's telling the Truth."
Chandra Bhandari, Former Ambassador from India - "I am in awe after reading your expansion of Dr. Rudy Schild's response to your query on Moral values. Your depth into the Spriritual World is truly laudatory and obviously guided by the Divine."
Bill Tuck, Phelan, CA, USA - "Marilynn like all Mystics can't be understood just experienced. She is such an exciting person as you read her books she meets you in spirit in the night and teaches you. Most people don't remember. I'm very blessed because I do remember!! I think your books will be read ten thousand years from now! They are very deep and a person has to feel the Holy Spirit, your spirit or some of the people you put quotes from. Way overboard mystical. I could spend a day thinking about a page from 'The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism.' But maybe a month or a year later, Boom! I'm having that experience. Amazing!! I will read then have experiences in my dream time. Your books are precious to me. The faith must be a well trained faith. As Jesus said it`s a narrow gate and many will miss it. You have to personally be taught by God, Jesus Christ My Lord and Saviour. Nothing beats being wide awake . . . All this has come about by reading your out of body travel books and being guided in the out of body travel state by you and others. You are gifted, just amazing! Off to the higher worlds." Antonio Herbert, Professional Flautist, Lubbock, TX, USA- "You're so nurturing. I can feel your energy and love every time I log onto the Out-of-Body Travel Forum . I'm convinced that we are all on a similar Tier with our spirituality, each having our own special or unique gifts, but each having really odd hang ups which seem to come with the territory of being students of the clouds . . . "
Morgan Marie, Austin, TX, USA - "Thank you for transforming my life. Your magical, Marilynn."
The out-of-body travel Foundation books
Just Released
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
(All Five Books in One Volume) by Marilynn Hughes
Book 1 of the Mysteries of the Redemption (Series) : A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
Book 2 of the Mysteries of the Redemption (Series) : A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
Book 3 of the Mysteries of the Redemption (Series) : A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
Book 4 of the Mysteries of the Redemption (Series) : A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
Book 5 of the Mysteries of the Redemption (Series) : A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
From the Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
From the Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
From the Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism fby Marilynn Hughes
From the Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
The Theology of Michael Jackson's Life and Lyrics - An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
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An Out-of-Body Travel Book The Confessions of Michael Jackson, by Marilynn Hughes
An Out-of-Body Travel Book by Marilynn Hughes
by Hermes TrismegistusCompiled and Edited by Marilynn Hughes
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by Fr. Ugo-Maria Ginex ESB
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by the Carthusian Order
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by Garmapa DrojeCompiled with Commentary by Marilynn Hughes
by Paramahamsa Yogananda
Compiled by a Student
Prepared by Marilynn Hughes
by Paramahamsa Yogananda
Compiled by a Student
Prepared by Marilynn Hughes