Angelology: An Overview
by marilynn hughes
Angelology: An Overview, By Marilynn Hughes - Angelology presents information from ancient sacred texts about the most significant angels and their function and nature in the cosmological spheres of God. If you want to better know the angelic hierarchies who protect you and your loved ones, angelology will give you a framework from which to begin. This book gives you an overview and insight into a subject otherwise only understood through lengthy study.
"I am into looking at the Gnostic version and the Christian one (of Angelology). Also looking at the diminutive opinion of the feminine view over time. To me it appears at first it was more equal but became more masculine." - Mitch Wel, Grimoire Traditions,
"This is so amazing, it is a must read.." - Order of the Sun, Universal Life Minister,
"I am doing a research paper myself about Angelology and this is new to me; and seeing that you wrote a paper will give me great insight what Angelology is about." - Jessica Brown, Public Opinion, Political Science,