The Out-of-body Travel Foundation's Collaborations
Marilynn Hughes
Brian Mahlum, Director/Producer, Los Angeles, CA, USA - "Thank you for all the hard work you do! You are truly a servant of the Lord!"
brian mahlum, mysteries productions
Brian Mahlum
The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation Partnered with Brian Mahlum of Mysteries Productions to Produce Films, Seminars, Vignettes and More on the books of 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation' and Marilynn Hughes. Since that time, he has produced over Nine Documentary Films, Seven Seminars, and Hundreds of Vignettes on the work of the Foundation including 'The Grand Phases of the Soul,' 'The Stairway from Earth to Heaven,' 'How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience,' 'The Tao of Mysticism,' 'The Prayer of the Twelfth Hour,' 'Initiation of the Mysteries,' 'The Rites of Passage,' and 'At the Feet of the Masters.'
'The Science for Moral Law,' Chapter Co-Written by Marilynn Hughes and Dr. Rudy Schild, Professor Emeritus Astrophysics, Harvard University, Editor of Cosmology.
"I excitedly read your chapter and am very pleased with it. Thank you for sending to me the final version, which I have read and approve. I strongly endorse your writing material which bring of the workings of the Universe, and a focused scientist like myself has a hard time bringing such clarification to the experience of any. We need enlightened persons like yourself to lead this charge. I like working with spiritual individuals to try to bring grounded meaning to their work, as here. Bless you for your work to spread peace and love through understanding." Dr. Rudy Schild
"I excitedly read your chapter and am very pleased with it. Thank you for sending to me the final version, which I have read and approve. I strongly endorse your writing material which bring of the workings of the Universe, and a focused scientist like myself has a hard time bringing such clarification to the experience of any. We need enlightened persons like yourself to lead this charge. I like working with spiritual individuals to try to bring grounded meaning to their work, as here. Bless you for your work to spread peace and love through understanding." Dr. Rudy Schild
Former Producer for Howard Stearn and Founder of WMAP Radio (World's Most Amazing People) Named Marilynn Hughes as One of Thirteen Simply Amazing Women in his Book 'Simply Amazing Women.
Thomas Streicher included Marilynn Hughes as a Research Subject for his book 'Extra-Planetary Experiences: Alien-Human Contact and the Expansion of Consciousness' along with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo Astronaut and 'The Institute of Noetic Science' and Ingo Swann, Founder of Remote Viewing and the CIA Stargate Program.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, was an Apollo 14 Astronaut and Founder of 'The Institute of Noetic Sciences'. Marilynn was an original board member of the Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences (now known as Contact and Consciousness Research) and remains a contributing member.
She wrote the book 'The Hammer of Mysticism: An Encyclopedic Journey into Out-of-Body Travel, Mystical Processes and Terms' to help define the Consciousness Modalities, and contributed Two Chapters to their Four Volume Book Series 'A Greater Reality.'
She wrote the book 'The Hammer of Mysticism: An Encyclopedic Journey into Out-of-Body Travel, Mystical Processes and Terms' to help define the Consciousness Modalities, and contributed Two Chapters to their Four Volume Book Series 'A Greater Reality.'

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Books and Projects Including Research regarding the Work of Marilynn Hughes
The Ascension Chamber's Founder, Chad Andrews, Invited Marilynn Hughes to take a ride in the chamber to share the importance of sound, vibration, light, crystal and other energy technologies in researching the induction of out-of-body experiences.
The Mysteries of the Redemption Film/TV Series, Currently In Development with Great Force Productions, Derhy Enterprises and Dean Lyon, VFX Supervisor/Asst. Director of 'The Lord of the Rings.' Was also formerly in Development with Ubiquity Entertainment. Why Science is Wrong about Almost Everything, By Alex TsakirisExtra Planetary Experiences, By Thomas Streicher, Marilynn Hughes was a Research Subject for the Book along with Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo Astronaut and Founder of 'The Institute of Noetic Science' and Ingo Swann, Founder of Remote Viewing and the CIA Stargate ProgramEncyclopedia of the Unseen World, By Constance Victoria BriggsThe Road to Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary - Featuring Marilynn Hughes, Also Starring Pastor Howard Storm, Imam Dr. Salahuddin M. Muhammad, John Zaffis, Francis X. Clooney, S.J., Rev. Monsignor James P. Moroney, Robert Thurman, Reverend Caroline Stacey, Rabbi Mitchell M. Hurvitz
The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraordinary Experiences (now known as Contact and Consciousness Research). Marilynn was an original Board Member and remains a contributing member having contributed chapters to 'A Greater Reality' Volume III and IV.The Afterlife Uncovered Film Project was in Development to be Produced by Edward White. Marilynn Hughes was on the Original Board with James Van Praagh, and Dr. Michael Nahm, Mark Keyes Todd Moster Esq, Paul Jacobs, José Gosschalk, Loyd Auerbach, Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, Terry Boyle, Erin Fall Haskell, Mary Grace, Cheryl Andrea, Mark Anthony, Steven LaChance, George Kalyvas, Phyllis Walsh, Bobby Marchesso, Professor Frederick Toates, Rev. Lisa Bousson, Dr. Daria M. Brezinski and Lauren Dennis Bortolami
Out-of-Body Exploring: A Beginner's Approach, by Preston DennettConsciousness Beyond the Body: Evidence and Reflections, by Bob Peterson, "Marilynn Hughes is one of today's leading practitioners of out-of-body travel."'The Science for Moral Law,' Chapter Co-Written by Marilynn Hughes and Dr. Rudy Schild published in 'The Change,' Professor Emeritus Astrophysics, Harvard University, Editor of Cosmology. 'Simply Amazing Women,' By KC Armstrong, Former Producer for Howard Stearn, Named Marilynn Hughes as One of Thirteen Simply
Amazing WomenMarilynn Hughes is on Wikpedia (Astral Projection, Out-of-Body Experience, Astral Plane)
The Military UFO Files of C. Ronald Garner, Ron Garner asked Marilynn Hughes to preserve and distribute his work after his death.Marilynn Hughes is on IMDB
Dr. Hany Hanna, Former Director of Antiquities, Cairo, invited Marilynn Hughes to join him and other archaeologists at an archeaological conference to learn about preservation techniques of antiquities and ancient sacred texts. He brought with him several books on the translation of ancient hieroglyphs in egypt and other extinct languages as gifts to Marilynn which remain treasured gifts.
Marrotech wrote a musical composition entitled Into Blue Light, Based on 'The Star Tunnel' as Shared by Marilynn Hughes in 'The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism.'

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Interviews/Articles Involving Discussion Including the Work of Marilynn Hughes
Jurgen Zwiewe with Alex Tsakiris on SkeptikoAstral Dynamics, Author, Robert Bruce with SkeptikoDr. Michael Marsh (Oxford Professor of Medicine, Christian Theologian) with Alex TsakirisA Short History of Mass Retrievals references the work of Marilynn Hughes.
How to Develop your Spiritual Power ConferenceThe Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution, London, ENGLANDInvited as Keynote Speaker United Nations NGO International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, International Yog Festival by C.M. Bhandari, Former Ambassador of India, The Future Life Institute, J.L. Mee and the London Conference for Consciousness and Human EvolutionUniversal Light Expo, Columbus, OHThe Whole Life Expo, Durango, COBarnes & Noble, Cincinnati, OHBooks & Co., Dayton, OHThe Borders, Columbus, OHGalaxy 10, Dayton, OHFirst Church of Religious Science, Dayton, OHWaldenbooks, Dayton, OH
Articles/reviews About Marilynn Hughes
Spiritual-Lifestyles Magazine, London, England, The Mysteries of Out-of-Body Travel, By Marilynn Hughes
Marilynn Hughes Out-of-Body Travel Experiment Stuns Skeptiko Host
The Astral Institute Interviews Marilynn Hughes of 'The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation'
Alternate Means,' Article By Preeta Samarasan, Writer for the Hyphen Journal, San Francisco, CA
A Short History of Mass Retrievals references the work of Marilynn Hughes.Dayton Daily News, Hometown – Woman’s Website a Source for Spiritual NeedsBody, Mind and Spirit Magazine ReviewAustralian Parapsychology ReviewLeading Edge Review
Edge Life ReviewColumbus Dispatch, Tipp City Mother Goes Where few Have Travelled
The International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, A United Nationa NGO
Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement AwardAlbert Nelson Marquis Who's Who in the World DirectoryProfessional Who's WhoTwo Global Media Mention Awards in Four CountriesOutstanding Poetry Award for 'The Death Song'Books Received College Textbook ClassificationBooks were Featured on Forbes.comListings on Stanford.eduListed on David Hume Texts Online
Best of Pagosa Springs Award - Best Publishing Company

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books by other authors published/shared by the out-of-body travel foundation
'The Third Eyewitness Series,' By Kathi Bjorkman. Kathi wrote her Fictional Supernatural Crime Novel Series based in part on the experiences of Marilynn Hughes. Marilynn Edited and Published the Series in 2022.
Willy Whitefeather, Cherokee Elder, asked Marilynn Hughes to help with preserving the sacred stories, wisdom and knowledge of the people before he passes. But most importantly, he asked her to publish hisnotebooks, which she did in 'The Notebooks of Willy Whitefeather.
'The Gospel Recovered: Suppressed, Buried, and Retrieved and Laid Bare,' By David Strickland, David wrote this massive research volume to give the Gospels a thorough overhaul, bring together the known texts along with unknown ones and even those received by mystics. It is a journey you'll never forget. This is the Abridged Version, Email David ( for the Complete Research Volume.
Telesphore Marie, British Columbia, CANADA - "I loved it! It just flows for good reading-out-loud and I really liked the Aquarius gospel. Of course, each original gospel has its 's own slant and is useful for the deeper reflections on perspective.... But this chronological order was just sooo smooth!"
Dr. Stephen Royal Jackson, America's Premiere Stress Doctor, Author of Nine Books on Relationships, Spirituality and Stress. Marilynn designed his Youtube Channel and Published eight of his books.
'Clancy and the Bear Dance' By Juanita Beasley. Juanita wrote a beautiful story based on her 20 plus years of experience counseling children at the Ute Mountain Indian Reservation about Alcoholism and children of abuse overcoming challenges in this beautiful part of the country. Marilynn edited, formatted, designed and published her book. Paperback
Kathi Bjorkman, Willy Whitefeather, David Strickland, Stephen Jackson, Juanita Beasley - Authors