The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation Music/Art

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The Liturgical Chants

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“Just recently, after many months without an OBE, I plugged into your Otara frequencies. I was pleasantly surprised to have had two rather intense experiences two nights in a row.”- David Henderson, Rochester, NH, USA
“I just wanted to say Thank You! for this (Out-of-Body Travel Meditation) CD and the Frequency of Otara CD. I have not heard the others. . . yet. I call the "Otara" CD "Angel Music" and let my 11 yr old son listen to it at bedtime, get quiet and to go to sleep. I like to listen to it also. I love the meditation CD. I keep it on my personal mp3 player. I especially like to listen to it when I wake up from sleep at 3-4 am. Seeing the topic list, I thought it would overwhelm me, but it is very nice and calming to listen to. I always have it by my bed ready to grab and listen to.” - Lisa, Reader, USA
"I am REALLY thankful that you have made not only the PDF's, but also so many MP3's available. I work in the evening cleaning and can listen to these as I go.(I listened to 3 hours worth this evening alone.) I've also been watching a lot of the videos on your site, too. There's quite a lot here. I may have a few questions in time, but I'll read/listen to as much as I can first. I'm sure you get a lot of emails. Anyway, Just wanted to say thanks." – Keith G., Listener, Evansville, IN, USA
"Hey Marilynn, you really have such a beautiful voice. I've never paid attention to the songs you did on YouTube, but it is indeed a very crystal clear voice you have. I am so into Hildegard von bingen music nowadays and keep running (her music) at my home. I realized you have very similar kind of voice!!!!" - Mari Magdalena Nagasaki, Reader, San Francisco, CA, USA
"I went to your site to listen to some pieces. I don’t remember exactly what piece I chose. I believed it was one that has a picture of Archangel Michael upfront. It was a litany of sorts. I wish I could be more specific. As I listened to your sang prayer I put my hand on the computer screen, closed my eyes and listened with reverence. Immediately in my mind an image appeared that left me doubting my sanity. I distinctly saw a demon listening with right knee bent and head bowed to the chant. And prostrated it stayed until the very end. The chills I got were something. Whatever it was, the purity of your heart praising God made him do that." - Lillian Vidal, Providence, RI, USA
"Where I the garage... your CD (Readings from the Catholic Rite of Exorcism) is on Repeat... 👍😇🙏" - Kerry Steinert, USA
"I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy listening to your hymns and chaplets on YouTube. They really help me get my mind centered on God while I am driving and at work. My daughter is riding with me quite a bit, and I am glad she is hearing them also. I look forward to listening to more whenever you post them." - Lance Hale, Kentucky, USA
"Professor, your artwork is incredible, amazing, inspiring . . . you are a true visionary artist. I am sure you learned the techniques in other lives. It is beautiful. " - Elana Dewey, Pensacola, FL, USA
"I am enjoying some of the heartfelt devotional songs you have recorded! Thank you.' - Regina Heckfelder, CT, UA